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check_pgbackrest is designed to monitor pgBackRest backups, relying on the status information given by the info command.

The main features are:

  • check WAL archives consistency;
  • check the retention policy;
  • check its own version;
  • multiple output format: human, json and nagios.


The RPM file made it’s way to the PGDG Yum repository! Special thanks to Devrim for that!

It can also be found in the Dalibo Labs Yum repository.

  1. Install the Official PostgreSQL yum repo package or the Dalibo Labs yum repo package

  2. yum install nagios-plugins-pgbackrest

Remark: epel-release also needs to be installed first.

Monitor the backup retention

The service fails when

  • the number of full backups is less than --retention-full;
  • the newest backup is older than --retention-age;
  • the newest full backup is older than --retention-age-to-full.
$ check_pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza 
  --service=retention --retention-full=1 --output=human
  --retention-age=24h --retention-age-to-full=7d

Service        : BACKUPS_RETENTION
Returns        : 0 (OK)
Message        : backups policy checks ok
Long message   : full=1
Long message   : diff=1
Long message   : incr=1
Long message   : latest=incr,20200131-150158F_20200131-150410I
Long message   : latest_age=2m47s
Long message   : latest_full=20200131-150158F
Long message   : latest_full_age=5m

Monitor WAL segments archives

The pgbackrest info command

  • shows the oldest (min) archive and the most recent one (max);
  • doesn’t check if all the archives in between are really on the disk;
  • doesn’t give the age of the most recent archive (until 2.21);

The archives service checks if all archived WALs exist between the oldest and the latest WAL needed for the recovery.

Local storage

This service requires the --repo-path argument to specify where the archived WALs are stored.

Archives must be compressed (.gz). If needed, use “compress-level=0” instead of “compress=n”.

Use the --wal-segsize argument to set the WAL segment size if you don’t use the default one.

$ check_pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza
  --service=archives --repo-path=/var/lib/pgbackrest/archive --output=human
Service        : WAL_ARCHIVES
Returns        : 0 (OK)
Message        : 81 WAL archived
Message        : latest archived since 1m59s
Long message   : latest_archive_age=1m59s
Long message   : num_archives=81
Long message   : archives_dir=/var/lib/pgbackrest/archive/my_stanza/12-1
Long message   : min_wal=000000010000000000000003
Long message   : max_wal=000000010000000000000053
Long message   : oldest_archive=000000010000000000000003
Long message   : latest_archive=000000010000000000000053
Long message   : latest_bck_archive_start=000000010000000000000007
Long message   : latest_bck_type=incr

Remote storage

If the archives are pushed to another server, use the --repo-host and --repo-host-user arguments:

$ check_pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza 
  --service=archives --repo-path=/var/lib/pgbackrest/archive 
  --repo-host="backup-srv" --repo-host-user=postgres

WAL_ARCHIVES OK - 4 WAL archived, latest archived since 25m30s | 
  latest_archive_age=25m30s num_archives=4

S3 storage

The service can use the Amazon S3 API by getting repo1-s3-key and repo1-s3-key-secret parameters directly from the pgBackRest configuration file.

Use the --repo-s3 argument to turn on that behavior:

$ check_pgbackrest --stanza=my_stanza 
  --service=archives --repo-path=/repo1/archive 
  --repo-s3 --repo-s3-over-http

WAL_ARCHIVES OK - 4 WAL archived, latest archived since 1m7s | 
  latest_archive_age=1m7s num_archives=4

Go further

Use the --ignore-archived-before argument to ignore the archived WALs generated before the provided interval. Used to only check the latest archives.

Use the --ignore-archived-after argument to ignore the archived WALs generated after the provided interval. Used under heavy archiving load.

The --latest-archive-age-alert argument defines the max age of the latest archived WAL as an interval before raising a critical alert.

Tests using Vagrant

Tests scenarios have been prepared using CentOS 7 boxes and libvirt vm provider:

[check_pgbackrest]$ ls test
Makefile  perf  provision  regress  ssh  Vagrantfile

1. pgBackRest configured to backup and archive on a CIFS mount

  • icinga-srv executes check_pgbackrest by ssh with Icinga 2;
  • pgsql-srv hosting a pgsql cluster with pgBackRest installed;
  • backup-srv hosting the CIFS share.

Backups and archiving are done locally on pgsql-srv on the CIFS mount point.

2. pgBackRest configured to backup and archive remotely

  • icinga-srv executes check_pgbackrest by ssh with Icinga 2;
  • pgsql-srv hosting a pgsql cluster with pgBackRest installed;
  • backup-srv hosting the pgBackRest backups and archives.

Backups of pgsql-srv are taken from backup-srv. Archives are pushed from pgsql-srv to backup-srv. Checks (retention and archives) are done both locally (on backup-srv) and remotely (on pgsql-srv). Checks are performed from icinga-srv by ssh. pgBackRest backups are use to build a Streaming Replication with backup-srv as standby server.

3. pgBackRest configured to backup and archive to a MinIO S3 bucket

  • icinga-srv executes check_pgbackrest by ssh with Icinga 2;
  • pgsql-srv hosting a pgsql cluster with pgBackRest installed;
  • backup-srv hosting the MinIO server.


The first evolution I’d like to implement would be to use the pgbackrest ls command to get the archives list. Indeed, mtime property for archives is available since pgBackRest 2.21. At the moment, we’d still need a cat command for the .history files.

$ pgbackrest help ls
pgBackRest 2.23 - 'ls' command help

List paths/files in the repository.

This is intended to be a general purpose list function, but for now it only
works on the repository.

Command Options:

  --filter                         filter output with a regular expression
  --output                         output format [default=text]
  --recurse                        include all subpaths in output [default=n]
  --sort                           sort output ascending, descending, or none

Another possible evolution would be the Debian support with specific test cases (using Vagrant) and a .deb package.

If you have any idea to improve the tool, please, share it! :-)


check_pgbackrest is an open project, licensed under the PostgreSQL license.

Any contribution to improve it is welcome.